Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Updates 2

okay, so the character pages aren't updated yet but I've been working hard on updating different parts of the site. If anyone has any suggestions of how to improve the site then plz feel free to nicely say so n_n

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I managed to create individual character pages for the Disney Princesses! I'm continuing to add to these pages and will post a comment on this topic when everything is primped and finished!!!

Big changes

So I'm trying to get this site set up well. I was inspired by this blog site and how it was so well done to make my own blog :) As you can see I have a LONG ways to go XD

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I did it! I made a fan blong ^.^. So welcome to the new blog. Ugh, I gtg so plz excuse my abrutness. I'll brb soon! :D

Isn't this picture awesome! Not done by me though! The person who did this is on deviantart.com I'll post who did it as soon as I can!!!